The SubSea Quieter in Presse Océan

News | 22 February 2024 | LinkedIn

The SubSea Quieter in Presse Océan on Ocean Noise Pollution

We’re thrilled to announce that Presse Océan has featured Greenov‘s groundbreaking SubSea Quieter (SSQ) in an article. Titled “Pollution Sonore des Océans,” the article sheds light on our innovative noise reduction membrane.

Gwenael Desse, our Chief Business Officer, highlights the urgent need to address the escalating noise pollution caused by maritime activities. With projects such as port expansions and offshore wind farms on the rise, the underwater noise pollution poses a significant threat to marine life.

Unlike traditional methods, the SubSea Quieter offers a game-changing solution. Our recent onshore tests in Saint-Viaud in November 2023 showcased its promising performance.

Stay tuned as we begin the SubSea Quieter testing in the port of Saint Nazaire. Don’t hesitate to write to us if you would like to come to Saint Nazaire on March 20 and 22 to discover the SubSea Quieter.

Thanks to Presse Océan and Sophie Trébern for shining a spotlight on our journey!

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Working on innovation challenges is part of our DNA. We propose to put our know-how and our network to imagine, fund, design and test new solutions to reduce your impact on maritime ecosystems.